

Sri Lanka’s largest tyre manufacturing facility will commence soon !

Posted on Jan 2, 2017 by Administrator

Sri Lanka’s largest tyre manufacturing facility will commence soon !

The foundation laying of Rigid Tyre Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd., which is tipped to become Sri Lanka’s largest fully integrated tyre manufacturing facility with an investment of Rs.11.25 billion, is set to take place this Thursday (January 5), a company statement said.

The facility, which will be located at Board of Investments (BOI) industrial zone in Wagawatta, Horana, is a venture by UAE-based Sri Lankan businessman Nanda Lokuwithana, who is the Chairman of Ceylon Steel Corporation and its member company MA Steel Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. He is also the Chairman of UAE-based Onyx Group and the owner of Marriot Al Jadaf Hotel, Dubai.

The company statement said “Italy’s Marangoni, a leading tyre manufacturing related technology provider, would be the technology partner in the project. It also noted that Rigid tyre products would take on the tag, ‘Licenced by Marangoni.’ Meanwhile, the venture is expected to generate over 3,000 job opportunities, both direct and indirect and the tyre plant will manufacture a whole gamut of products from radials for light and heavy vehicles to off-the-road (OTH) tyres”.

In addition to tyre manufacturing, the venture expects to manufacture high density conveyor belts, targeting the global mining industry. Similarly, high pressure hydraulic pipes will also be manufactured to cater to the demand originating from the oil industry. Apart from the tyre manufacturing plant, the project, which will be located on a 100-acre land, will also have a four-storeyed ultra-modern research lab to advance research and development. The foundation laying for the project will be carried out by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe during grand event that will be attended over 1500 invitees including ministers and public officials, the company said.

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Notice: Undefined index: location_auto
on line 75 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace33275 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 75 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace45959 [6]
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on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace78641 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace76648 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: item
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace25118 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace27895 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: email
on line 199 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace88021 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: loging_box_open
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace66381 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace36078 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: email_send
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace77605 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace77140 [6]
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Lateness resource inclusion: //
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Lateness resource inclusion: //
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