

Cabinet approves expansion of Bus Lanes

Posted on Apr 27, 2017 by Administrator

Cabinet approves expansion of Bus Lanes

The cabinet had approved the proposal made by Megapolis and Western Development Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka to expand the Priority Bus Lane concept further and to take action to attract the middle class to use public transport services.

Cabinet co-spokesman Gayantha Karunathilaka told the weekly Cabinet Briefing that the Cabinet proposal had made to implement Bus Priority Lanes in Moratuwa-Ratmalana, Wellawatte-Kollupitiya on the Galle Road and from Parliament Junction to Rajagiriya, Borella, Maradana, Pettah and Colombo Fort along the Parliament Road.

It also had proposed that the concept should be put into practice from the roundabout in Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha to Pettah, the Thummulla Junction to the Museum Junction and the Eye Hospital Roundabout to the Thummulla Junction during busy hours.

The Cabinet proposal also suggested to promote the importation of Low Floor air-conditioned buses through concessionary loan schemes, prepare a common ticketing system with electronic card payment facilities and to improve three-wheeler and taxi parking facilities.

The Minister said Cabinet approval was granted as the pilot project implemented along the Parliament Road between 12 and 23 of March with the assistance of Korean International Cooperation Agency had shown positive outcome.

Source –

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on line 75 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace20273 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 75 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
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Notice: Undefined index: description_auto
on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace92606 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace69982 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: item
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace60721 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace76431 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: email
on line 199 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace91198 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: loging_box_open
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace87378 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace51411 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: email_send
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace24255 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace15917 [6]
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Lateness resource inclusion: //
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