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Volkswagen Beetle 6
Volkswagen Beetle , 1969

Rs. 775,000 Add to Shortlist

100% restored. No modifications done. Kanemail (air ventilator) model. Elephant back lights. Padded Stirring. Leather seats. For immediate sal...

Ref ID : 40660 Tel : 0772854329
Body Type:
Exterior Color: Red
Tel : 0772854329 Add to Shortlist
Mitsubishi Jeep 3
Mitsubishi Jeep 4DR, 1969

Rs. 1,060,000 Add to Shortlist

4DR5 Long Wheel / AC / Power Steering / Floor board Gears / Fog and Hood lamps/ Four Wheel Drive / Safari Snockle / Fuel Tank / Engine 100 % Chassi...

Ref ID : 29647 Tel : 777 678 12
Body Type:
Exterior Color: Grey
Tel : 777 678 12 Add to Shortlist
Volkswagen Beetle 5
Volkswagen Beetle Beetel, 1969

Rs. 1,200,000 Add to Shortlist

fully modified interior, Original body look, Original Volkswagen engine reverse camera, bluetooth and Carplay supported audio and video player. ...

Ref ID : 34330
Body Type:
Exterior Color: Orange
Tel : 0776085118 Add to Shortlist
Access Type: front
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36.0.54 ms
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37.0.2 ms
SELECT table_name FROM `sbr405_items` WHERE `item` = 'autos' LIMIT 0, 1
38.68.37 ms
SELECT MIN(`release_year`) `release_year_min`,MAX(`release_year`) `release_year_ ...
39.0.36 ms
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Sql [Queries: 39]
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9. core - Basic Classes Initialized
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11. core - Configuration Loaded
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12. core - Hooks Loaded
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14. class - Loading class iaUtil
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19. main - beforeSmartyFuncInit
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20. hook - phpSmartyAfterFuncInit
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22. END TIME phpSmartyAfterFuncInit banners
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24. hook - bootstrap
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35. smarty - smartyFrontBeforeBreadcrumb
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36. smarty - smartyFrontFiltersBeforeFields
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37. smarty - smartyFrontFiltersAfterFields
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Phrases do not exist: num_results_found
Notice: Undefined index: district
on line 65 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace62711 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: description_auto
on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace64983 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 78 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace76337 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: item
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace81961 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 85 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace72083 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: district
on line 60 in file tmp/front_cars/79e777765b6afa1ab43bd4999c2ffc71c5462fe3.file.opengraph.tpl.php
Backtrace96424 [9]
Notice: Undefined index: email
on line 199 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace51356 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: loging_box_open
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace53539 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 469 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace89836 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: email_send
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace22579 [6]
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
on line 904 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace68669 [6]
Notice: Undefined index: district
on line 1056 in file tmp/front_cars/994ed4985b9668516ce4a66c941025e2e980c63c.file.layout.tpl.php
Backtrace19131 [6]
Error [12]
includes/classes/ia.core.smarty.php on line [341]23644
Lateness resource inclusion: //
tmp/front_cars/9b65686d02d379ba8818aae63b85689f6a3d4f33.extra.block.newsletters.php on line [42]49548
Lateness resource inclusion: //
Debug [2]